Zabiegi wykonywane w Centrum Medycznym Esculap
nie są refundowane przez Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia
Zapraszamy na badanie mammograficzne cyfrowym aparatem firmy SIEMENS MAMMOMAT INSPIRATION.
Wynik z opisem już w dniu badania
(33) 818 46 85 (33) 818 46 86 (33) 818 46 87
The patient receives his results with description on the evaluation day.
Registration and information about evaluation at:
(33) 818 46 85, (33) 818 46 86, (33) 818 46 87
The new surgical and maternity hospital of Centrum Medyczne "Esculap" Spółka z o.o. was opened in January 2001. It is a completely new facility, which meets norms and standards of hospitals operating in the inpatient care system. Our main objective is satisfaction of the patient and his/her family. Equally important objectives are focused on modern surgical methods, constant implementation of modern techniques and infection prevention based on the most recent standards of prevention of hospital-acquired infections. The medical team taking care of our patients includes nurses and physicians employed by the hospital. We have a permanent team of doctors, so from the first consultation, the patient is taken care of by one managing physician, who remains in close contact with the patient till the end of treatment.
(laundry, drying room, sterilization room, control room for air conditioning and forced ventilation). At the first floor, there is a reception desk, medical consultation rooms, including obstetrics and gynecology offices with their own sanitary unit, and a treatment room. All rooms at the first floor are included into the forced ventilation system. At the second floor, there is an air-conditioned operating unit comprising two operating rooms and service rooms. At the third floor, there is air-conditioned obstetric unit, which comprises two single delivery rooms and the operating room intended exclusively for Caesarean sections, and the intensive neonatal care unit for newborns.
Four of them are included into the central system of medical gases. Mothers and children stay in double rooms with sanitary units. Centrum Medyczne provides free surgical and obstetric services, which are included in national health insurance system. Centrum Medyczne also provides paid surgical and obstetrics services for persons, who are not insured. Specialist outpatient care is a paid service.
Jak można uzyskać informację o sprawach organizacyjnych i przygotowaniu do operacji?
W recepcji pod nr telefonu (33) 8184685-7
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